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2020 TIP Documents

2022-2025 TIP

> Amendment #5

Approved April 19, 2023


> Amendment #4

Approved December 21, 2022


> Amendment #3

Approved September 21, 2022


> Amendment #2

Approved April 20, 2022


> Amendment #1

Approved January 19, 2022


> Administrative Modification #1

Posted December 10, 2021


> Original TIP Document

Approved August 18, 2021

2020-2023 TIP

AdminIstrative Modification

Summary of Changes  |  Posted April 23, 2021


TIP Amendment #5

Approved February 17, 2021


TIP Amendment #4

Approved October 21, 2020 


TIP Amendment #3

Approved July 15, 2020


TIP Amendment #2

Approved February 19, 2020

TIP Amendment #1

Approved December 18, 2019

2020-2023 TIP Document

Approved August 21, 2019

2018-2021 TIP

Administrative Modification - June 2019
June 20, 2019
Administrative Modification #1
(Previously referred to as Amendment #6)
Approved June 16, 2019
Amendment #5
Approved February 20, 2019
Amendment #4
Approved November 28, 2018
Amendment #3

Approved August 15, 2018

Amendment #2

Approved February 21, 2018


Amendment #1

Approved September 20, 2017

2018-2021 TIP Document

Approved July 19, 2017

Annual Listing of Obligated Projects


Transportation legislation enacted by Congress requires that:

“An annual listing of projects, including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, for which Federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year shall be published or otherwise made available by the cooperative effort of the State, transit operator, and metropolitan planning organization for public review.” 23 CFR 134(j)(7)(B)


As required, this report lists all transportation projects authorized or revised to increase obligations of federal transportation funds in the  metropolitan area during the identified federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30). The federal government obligates, or commits, funds to a project only after the completion of the required project development process and all local, state, and federal approvals have been obtained. The obligated amounts reflected in the report may not be equal to the final project cost. Additionally, the report indicates those projects for which bicycle and pedestrian elements are included.




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Flint Hills

Metropolitan Planning Organization

The Flint Hills MPO provides a regional forum to coordinate, encourage, and promote a safe, efficient, affordable, and integrated transportation system for all users; in support of livable communities and economic competitiveness.

2805 Claflin Rd. Ste. 100

Manhattan, KS 66502


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