public transit changes
Junction City
public transit changes
Junction City
Public Transit Changes
Junction City
Changes to the Junction City transit system are coming soon. This will allow for a realignment of the current routes to better serve the community as a whole and increase efficiencies when traveling throughout the community.
Changes to the Junction City transit system are coming soon. This will allow for a realignment of the current routes to better serve the community as a whole and increase efficiencies when traveling throughout the community.
Policy Board
The Policy Board is the decision making body of the MPO. It is comprised of an elected official from each of the five jurisdictions in the FHMPO area and a KDOT representative. The Policy Board is governed by Bylaws and typically meets once a month.
2024 Policy Board Agendas
Policy Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month at 3:30pm. Meeting location & zoom link are identifed on the agenda.