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data & resources 

Regional Plans

performance measures


MPOs are required to use a performance-based approach for investment and policy decisions to guide the transportation planning process. Congress established seven transportation goals, four of which the MPO is required to monitor, establish targets for, and report on. 

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These are a combination of plans commissioned by the MPO and regional studies funded by our partners. 

Bicycle & Pedestrian
Count Data

Maps & Data


The Flint Hills MPO is working to fully understand the scope and impact of bicycling and walking in the region. To this end, we are collecting data through counts across the region. These counts are taken in two formats; Automated & Manual.


We have static and interactive maps and boundaries as well as available data (shapefiles & spreadsheets) that can be requested. 

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Flint Hills

Metropolitan Planning Organization

The Flint Hills MPO provides a regional forum to coordinate, encourage, and promote a safe, efficient, affordable, and integrated transportation system for all users; in support of livable communities and economic competitiveness.

2805 Claflin Rd. Ste. 100

Manhattan, KS 66502


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