public transit changes
Junction City
public transit changes
Junction City
Public Transit Changes
Junction City
Changes to the Junction City transit system are coming soon. This will allow for a realignment of the current routes to better serve the community as a whole and increase efficiencies when traveling throughout the community.
Changes to the Junction City transit system are coming soon. This will allow for a realignment of the current routes to better serve the community as a whole and increase efficiencies when traveling throughout the community.
We rely on our transportation infrastructure to efficiently move people, goods, and freight in order to ensure a thriving economy. Our region has enviable travel times and system reliability, with nearly non-existent congestion. While our roadways are operating well for vehicles, we must continue to invest in all modes of transportation in order to improve access to work, school, and community services.
Travel time reliability
2020 Data
ITS Corridors
2020 Data
Bicycle infrastructure
2020 Data
mobility performance measures
PM 1: % of Person-Miles Traveled on Interstate with Reliable Travel Time
100% of the person-miles traveled on I-70 through our region are reliable. This means our Interstate system has little to no congestion, allowing people and goods to move efficiently through our region.
PM 3: Truck Travel Time Reliability (TTTR) Index on our Interstate System
A complex formula is used to develop the TTTR Index and to calculate the TTTR of our interstate system. Ideally, any segment along a roadway should have a TTTR Index of 1.50 or less. All interstate system segments within our region fall well under this threshold, meaning we have no issues with TTTR.
PM 5: % of Transit Routes On-Time Performance
Providing an on-time public transit service is important for dependability and reliability. The ATA Bus' current on time performance among all fixed routes has increased from 88.8% in 2019 to 91.4% in 2020.
PM 2: % of Person-Miles Traveled on the NHS with a Reliable Travel Time
Of the non-interstate roadways on the National Highway System (NHS), a majority (78.2%) are performing at a high-level of reliability. Reliability has slightly declined since 2018 when 91.3% of person-miles traveled were reliable. The main culprit of falling performance is construction on several key segments including K18's Wildcat Creek Bridges & US-24 at Green Valley Rd.
PM 4: % of Intelligent Transportation System Traffic Signals on Key Corridors
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) allow for communication and coordination among signals to improve traffic flow. Our region has 17.5 miles of signalized corridors, with 30% percent enabled with signal coordination to improve the efficiency of the corridor.
PM 6: % of Planned Bicycle Infrastructure Projects Implemented
Providing an on-time public transit service is important for dependability and reliability. The ATA Bus' current on time performance is 88.8% among all fixed routes. Manhattan’s Route 4 has the lowest on-time performance at 64.4%.
understanding metrics & Guages
Federally Required Metric
MPOs are federally required to use a performance-based approach for guiding transportation investment and policy decisions. Transportation legislation identifies several performance metrics MPOs must monitor, establish targets for, and report on.
Flint Hills MPO Metric
MPOs can choose to establish additional goals and targets specific to their region.
Further details & resources
Complete annual Safety PM reports
In line with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) regulations, the MPO has developed our region's Safety Performance Measures. In addition, the MPO has established future Targets aimed at creating a safer transportation system