public transit changes
Junction City
public transit changes
Junction City
Public Transit Changes
Junction City
Changes to the Junction City transit system are coming soon. This will allow for a realignment of the current routes to better serve the community as a whole and increase efficiencies when traveling throughout the community.
Changes to the Junction City transit system are coming soon. This will allow for a realignment of the current routes to better serve the community as a whole and increase efficiencies when traveling throughout the community.
The #BikeWalkJC project is an effort to encourage walking and biking in Junction City by creating safe and accessible facilities to improve quality of life and the overall health of the community.
The JCATP updates the 2017 Junction City Bicycle Master Plan, focusing on identifying projects and programs that will improve walking and biking; along with recommending policies that support these investments.
7th St bike boulevard
7th St bike blvd video
In October 2019, the Flint Hills MPO, in conjunction with Live Well Geary County and the City of Junction City, created the City's first bicycle boulevard. This temporary demonstration project tested several traffic calming features to gauge public perception and vehicle compliance and speeds.
7th St bike blvd
This Bicycle & Pedestrian Systems Plan for Junction City, KS explains what demonstration projects and bike boulevards are and why they were implemented on 7th Street. The Plan then takes a detailed look at each of the four current demonstration projects and two previous demonstration projects that make up the bike boulevard.